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IPTS (2013) STANDARD 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 5 - Instructional Delivery - The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. The teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student

Clay Sculpture and Identity: High School

Description: This lesson introduces students to ceramic artists including: Stephanie Shih, London James, Matthew Dercole, Shayna Leib and others. Students are also introduced to the basics of making a pinch pot as well as the stages and basics of clay. This lesson focuses on the introduction of artists, artwork and clay as well as giving the students inspiration for making their own ceramic artwork. 

Rationale: The students were very engaged with the variety of artists and artworks that were included in the lesson. This lesson included artists that I chose for specific students or groups of students and they really enjoyed that I found artists to share with them. Students also responded very well to a variety of instruction in the lesson including: Verbal instruction, Class discussion, Independent thinking/work, videos, visual examples both on the board and in person. Students were engaged and excited about the lesson and a lot of them took inspiration from the variety of artists that were shown to them. This lesson also offered the students free choice to choose something that they feel represented them.

Student examples of the mind map they created as well as the artwork they made based off of their mind map. Link to my lesson plan as well as the powerpoint that I presented to students.


Procreate Murals and Culture: Middle School

Description: In this unit, students learned about the meaning behind murals and the variety of reasons and ways in which they can be created. In this unit, students were introduced to a variety of mural artists including: Keith Haring, Victor Ving, Lisa Beggs, Collin Van Der Slujis, and Mauricio Ramirez. Students were taught the basics of Procreate through a scavenger hunt activity. Students also took a day to research a culture of their choice through guided slides. The students then combine information they learned: Mural art, Culture research. and Procreate basics to create a digital form of their own designed mural.


Rationale: This unit offered students the opportunity to have free choice as well as thinking critically about culture and themselves. Students were very engaged in researching their chosen culture and found something that was interesting to them that they were able to incorporate into their mural. The students were also very excited to learn how to work in the digital platform of Procreate!

Pictures of the students Murals that they created along with the artists statements that they wrote to go with them. I also linked my unit plan as well as some other supports for my unit.

This mural represents the culture of Hawaii. From my own interests I love flowers, surfing, the ocean, guitar, and nature. These all things go into the Hawaiian culture. I chose a place in Disney World to put this mural down because it was one of the only walls I could find with a big enough space for the whole mural.

My favorite thing about my mural is the face of the person because it took me a while to blend. I incorporated my interests by adding things that I experienced when I used to live in Japan and how I view how the Japan culture is changing a bit. I incorporated my researched culture by adding designs into the traditional clothing of the kimono.the chosen picture is the ground of a place in Kobe after hurricane Jedi hit, and it caused a lot of destruction, my mural symbolizes sort of a new beginning.

ASSESSMENT METHODS PORTFOLIO - One formative and summative assessment from each placement

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession

IPTS (2013) STANDARD 7 - Assessment - The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student

High School Assessment: Value lesson and Ceramic Rubric

Description: Formative assessment for High school was an activity where I taught the students the proportions of the face. I led the students by going through the steps and documenting them via the document camera. Between steps, I would walk around and see how students were doing and address any questions. 

Summative assessment for high school was the rubric for the students ceramic projects where they connected it to their identity. 

Rationale: By walking around and checking in on students as they are working allows me to see where the students are at, allows me to gage how they are doing as well as if I am going too fast or too slow. 

Utilizing a rubric allows for me to state clear standards and objectives that they students need to be reaching. By presenting the rubric to students, they get auditory direction as well as visual by having the rubric posted for them to refer back to. 


Middle School Assessment: Mural baseline and Procreate Mural rubric

Description: For formative assessment, students were given a pre test where they were asked questions about Murals.

This pre test was filled out as a bell ringer the week before we started the unit on Murals. The pre test was in the form of a Google Form where it collected students email addresses and questions were set to mandatory, so that they could not leave them blank. Students were given a post test in the same format with the same questions. 

For summative assessment, students were presented with a rubric that connected Procreate with the inclusion of culture.

Rationale: By having the students take the assessment as they come into class as a bell ringer takes the stress off of the assignment for them. This also allows me to see who has turned in their submissions and read them right there on the spot. This was extremely helpful for the post test, where I could directly ask students questions verbally if I saw they did not turn in a very in-depth response. By offering the students the same questions before and after the unit, They were able to display the information that they had gained after the Mural unit. 

Utilizing a rubric allows for me to state clear standards and objectives that they students need to be reaching. By presenting the rubric to students, they get auditory direction as well as visual by having the rubric posted for them to refer back to. 

Questions the students were asked:


In your own words, How would you define a mural?

What makes a mural important

What types of things do you normally see in a mural?

How does a mural reflect the artists voice?


IPTS (2013) STANDARD 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism, provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates fro students, parents or guardians, and the profession

Description: For my pal 1, I visited a local gallery and art space in the community that I am student teaching. This business offers a lot to the community such as a space for the community to come in and make art, workshops taught by local artists to the public, work space for resident artists, as well as gallery space for artists to showcase their work.

Rationale: This is a really great business in the community that offers a lot of connections as well as a creative space to go and/or send your students. They also have resident artists who are in the space throughout the week that you can chat with. This is a super positive business with lots of connections in their community!



Description: This semester, I helped organize and run craft shows at a local business in Pekin, The Kountry Nook. These craft shows and other local events get the community involved in purchasing local and handmade crafts and art!

Rationale: While helping run and set up these events, I spoke with many vendors and artists within the community. Through speaking with and getting to know new artists and crafters, I gained new insights on my community as well as art making practices. 


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