Alexandria tomevi
Future Art Educator
Standard 2- Content area and pedagogical knowledge- The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence based practice.

Description: Created a self-portrait utilizing compositional guidelines such as balance and framing. I also was mindful of lighting in my self-portrait and chose natural light to compliment the plants.
Rationale: By creating this studio project, it was a good example for students to refer to when planning for their own self-portraits. We wanted the students to include some of their interests in their self-portraits to convey their personality within their work. In my self portrait, I included lots of plants and natural light to showcase my interest in plants.
Artist statement linked below:
Standard 1- Teaching Diverse Students- The competent teacher understands the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student and how individuals develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. The teacher uses these experiences to create instructions opportunities that maximize student learning.
Description: Me and a partner (Emma Minnet) created a Self-Portrait Unit Plan where we started by introducing the students to lighting effects and reviewed compositional elements of photography. We then had the students create a mind map to plan out their three self-portraits and then allowed them a couple of days to experiment with different lighting and compositional elements while taking many photographs in different locations. After students had chosen their final series of self-portraits, we had them upload their photos to a Padlet where we discussed the artworks as a class.
Rationale: By photographing a series of self-portraits, students will develop a knowledge of photographic elements such as composition and lighting. Students will demonstrate understanding of photographic elements through oral discussion (informal class critique) and a written statement (artist statement).
Standard 7- assessment- The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessment for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.
Description: For this unit plan, students are assessed formatively with questions beforehand that gage their understanding of the concepts needed (photographic composition and lighting). Students will also create a mind map and a shot list (optional) that maps out some of the ideas they have. Their mind maps reflect how their ideas will incorporate photographic composition elements, lighting, and personal connection within their work. Summatively, students will be assessed for their finished projects, a class-critique, and an artist statement. The project and their artist statement will be graded using a rubric.
Rationale: By assessing students at the beginning of the unit and having them create a plan for their projects will help the students ensure that they are utilizing the material introduced for this unit. This also helps the teacher know if the students are struggling with anything and if the teacher need to review certain material. Having the students reflect and discuss their artwork helps them see their personal and skill growth and any areas where they could improve. Peer critique will help the students learn from others feedback and will give them inspiration that they can use in the future.
Rubric and mind map links attached to the left
Standard 6- Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication- The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.
Description: I researched an artist (Idara Ekpoh) including her background and artwork to gain a better understanding of her as an artist and the inspiration behind her work. I created a handout for students to refer to and use as inspiration or reference when creating their own work.
Rationale: Students will be able to use the handout as a reference for ideas and information.
Artist handout and Powerpoint showcasing Idara's work attached to the right
Standard 9- Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy- The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession
Description: Participated in a research study by taking an online multiple-choice questionnaire. The research study was created ad conducted by an undergraduate student in the school of communication at Illinois State University to gain a better understanding of how people from different cultural backgrounds are treated in society.
Rationale: Participating in research studies is a great way to stay involved and this particular research study is information that would be helpful to know and gain a better understanding of as a future educator.

Description: I attended a zoom forum on "Art, Joy and Rage" hosted by the Museum of the African Diaspora. The guest artists included in this forum were Tsedaye Makonnen and Wildcat Ebony Brown. In this forum, the artists discussed how rage from the death of fellow black and brown people fueled their artwork. They wanted to use their artwork to shed light and give voice to the dead as well as celebrate black and brown lives and community that they have.
Rationale: As a future educator, it is always important to educate yourself on as many topics as possible. Your students are always going to be different and diverse and as a teacher, I want to be able to encourage and celebrate all of my students voices. I also really appreciate how these artist push the boundaries of art and incorporate many forms, such as installation work and performance. Not only are these artists sharing and celebrating their culture, but they aren't afraid to have their voices heard.
Standard 9- Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy- The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession
Description: I entered my artwork into the Student Annual Exhibition at University Galleries. Due to COVID19, this gallery was presented in an online format so that students could still submit and view artwork during the pandemic. The Wonsook Kim School of Art also presented scholarships and awards through video along with the exhibition.
Rationale: The annual student exhibition at University Galleries offers an opportunity for students to present their work in a professional gallery environment. This gallery allows students to view other students work and since the exhibition was online this year, offers students a chance to continue to go back and view artwork included in the gallery.
Submitted artwork and link to gallery attached to the right

Description: I completed a personalized artwork commission. I occasionally post my artwork to my social media, after posting a finished project I had somebody contact me about creating a similar work for them. After discussing size, price, ideas, etc, I created a painting for them of their pet.
Rationale: By sharing my artwork to my social media for people to see and share allows for members of the community to see my artwork. By creating personalized commissions for members of the community, it allows my artwork to be shared and have a deeper meaning.
Photo of the painting I created before sending it off!