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IPTS 3-  Planning for Differentiated Instruction – The competent teacher plans and designs instruction based on content area knowledge, diverse student characteristics, student performance data, curriculum goals, and the community context. The teacher plans for ongoing student growth and achievement

Description: Illinois State University hosted the Heart of Illinois Conference where art teacher candidates taught a variety of art lessons to students. I worked with a fellow art teacher candidate to create a lesson focusing on exploring identity through wire sculpture construction. In this lesson, we looked at artists including Diane Komater and Celia Smith. We discussed the stylistic approaches and techniques that make each artist unique as well as how the artists portray their identities through their work. We taught the students how to use materials and demonstrated specific techniques for them to explore within their own sculptures. 

Rationale: This lesson required students to self-reflect and problem solve. This was all of our students first time working with wire and they were all very adaptable and flexible with working in a new medium. After talking to our students and getting to know them a little bit through activities that we planned, we were able to offer our students thoughtful suggestions for their sculpting processes. The students were all very excited about the sculptures that they created and were very supportive of classmates as well. 


IPTS 5- Instructional Delivery – The competent teacher differentiates instruction by using a variety of strategies that support critical and creative thinking, problem-solving, and continuous growth and learning. This teacher understands that the classroom is a dynamic environment requiring ongoing modification of instruction to enhance learning for each student.

IPTS 7-  Assessment – The competent teacher understands and uses appropriate formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes. The teacher makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness and adjusts practices to meet the needs of each student.

Description: In this unit plan that I created, students will be introduced to artists including Stephanie Shih and Shayna Leib as well as many others. Students will explore the idea of consumerism and the relationship that they have with specific food and/or grocery items. Throughout the unit, students will explore new artists, explore the concept of consumerism, create thumbnail sketches, experiment with new ideas, and express their thoughts and ideas through an artist statement. 

Rationale: This unit plan utilizes both formative and summative assessment through multiple approaches including whole class instruction, a literacy lesson, rubrics, an artists statement, and peer critiques. These will all be used to asses and gage students learning and growth throughout the unit.

  Link to

Unit plan

Link to Artist


      Link to

Artwork Rubric

  Link to Artist

Statement Rubric

      Link to

Teacher Artwork

Link to Artist



IPTS 6- Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication – The competent teacher has foundational knowledge of reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area and recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge.

Description: This literacy lesson was created as a support for my unit plan focusing mainly on my main artist, Stephanie Shih. This literacy activity showcases Shih's artwork and explores the process of writing a thoughtful artist statement. 

Rationale: The questions and activities presented in this literacy lesson aim to promote critical thinking and supporting students to make meaningful connections between art, identity, and social issues. 


7M- articulates a logical rationale for the role of the visual arts in the school curriculum, including philosophical and social foundations 
for visual arts education.

Art is embedded into every aspect of our lives, and I want to present my students with the skills and knowledge to recognize and respond to art as well as being able to use their own voice when creating art that is meaningful. I aim to create genuine connections with my students to inform my lessons and units by incorporating art and artists that will spark inspiration and creativity among all my students. By creating meaningful connections with students and encouraging them to express their differences, students will not only be able to reflect on their own identity, but they will also be able to use art to share their ideas and aspects that make them who they are. 


IPTS 9- Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.

Description: This semester I attended an exhibition in ISU's transpose galleries. This exhibition was a collection of works from local high school students. There was a variety of media, techniques, and styles displayed in this exhibition. 

Rationale: This exhibition showcased many different approaches to art making as well as displaying the many possibilities that art has to offer. I could tell that the students put a lot of time and effort into the art that was showcased and it sparked many ideas for me to implement into my classroom as a future art educator. 


Description: This semester, I attended an exhibition by an ISU BFA student Audrey Maxey entitled Divine Teachings. Her exhibition revolved around the idea of religion and her conversion from christianity to atheism. She explores the idea and constructs of religion through the creation of a false religion that she entitles Aradism and expressing these through her artwork.

Rationale: This exhibition pushes the boundaries of what religion is and how individuals interpret the concept of religion. Even if I do not practice the same religion as this artist, it offers insight to accept and explore multiple ways of thinking and expressing ones individual beliefs and practices in an intellectual and challenging way. 



IPTS 9- Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy – The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.  
7N: advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities (e.g., coursework, professional organizations, and workshops).

Description: This semester, I helped organize and run craft shows at a local business in Pekin, The Kountry Nook. These craft shows and other local events get the community involved in purchasing local and handmade crafts and art!

Rationale: While helping run and set up these events, I spoke with many vendors and artists within the community. Through speaking with and getting to know new artists and crafters, I gained new insights on my community as well as art making practices. 


Description: This semester I created a personalized commission for someone who contacted me through social media. I occasionally post my artwork to my social media and have had multiple inquires about creating commissions for people.

Rationale: By posting artwork to my social media, it allows others to see my work. By creating commissions for people, it also allows them to share the work that I have created. I love creating personalized artwork for others and love to receive pictures of my work hanging in others homes!      (photo of the commission almost done!)


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