Alexandria tomevi
Future Art Educator
2B) understands major concepts, assumptions, debates, and principles; processes of inquiry; and theories that are central to the disciplines;
Throughout this course, I completed projects that introduced different mediums or techniques for art making.
These projects are designed to expand knowledge of the arts and how to apply that art into the elementary classroom. These projects make me, as a future art educator, aware of the possibilities that art can have in the classroom.

For this project, I was able to create a storyline that would be clear to all ages by experimenting with size, shape, and color.
Interview Reflection Art
for this assignment, I created an interview for my sister (age 15) that explored her relationship that she had with her elementary art classes. After this interview, I created an artwork with the idea of it being a collaboration with my sister. I drew the piece with a black sharpie and then gave the work to my sister, and told her to do whatever she wanted with it. She chose to color it in with colored pencils. I enjoyed creating and seeing the outcome of this piece in a collaborative style because it shows just how creative one can be, and how different out minds work.

2I) evaluates teaching resources and materials for appropriateness as related to curricular content and each student's needs;
This is my presentation created with a classmate over Nikki de Saint Phalle, a French-American sculptor, painter, and filmmaker known for her social commitment and work.
This assignment asked for presentation on an artist or art movement that could be used as inspiration for elementary and/or middle school lesson plans. Nikki de Saint Phalle's Wide range of work and medium combined with her collaborative style creates inspiration that could be applied to elementary and/or middle schoolers.
2K) engages students in the process of critical thinking and inquiry and addresses standards of evidence of the disciplines;
3B) understands how to develop short- and long-range plans, including transition plans, consistent with curriculum goals, student diversity, and learning theory;
7B) understands that assessment is a means of evaluating how students learn and what they know and are able to do to meet the Illinois Learning Standards;
This is a lesson designed to introduce art history to elementary students. The concept is for the students to create original artwork of their pets or favorite animal, drawing inspiration from historical cave art.
This assignment taught me how to critically plan out parts of a lesson. By creating a lesson plan, I was able to learn how to choose assessments, incorporate visual arts standards, apply artists in context, and other important aspects that will aid me in my future teaching career.
7A) understands child development and the psychological principles of learning and how they apply to visual arts education.
This semester, due to Covid-19, I was not able to complete observations within the classroom. I completed 10 hours of observations this semester by watching classroom lessons through an online database. I also worked with a cooperating teacher at a nearby grade school, where I completed lesson plans and lesson videos to present to the teacher.
These observation hours were completed to aid me in gaining experience of the dynamics of an elementary art education classroom. Through these hours, I was also able to observe art educators and their diverse methods and teaching practices, which I will be able to apply in my classroom as a future educator.
7G) understands the need for continuing study, self-evaluation, and professional growth
I listened to an artist talk via Zoom with artist and teacher June Edmonds. As a teacher and artist she is very focused on being socially engaged. As a woman of color, she feels that in her education there was too much of a focus on European art and what she referred to as white supremacy within the classroom. In her talk she stated that it is very important to her that "every student feels welcome in the classroom". She takes inspiration from local artists and artists from all over the country to create lesson plans. She stated that she wants her students to be able to see themselves in the projects that she presents.
Attending this artist talk gave me valuable information on being inclusive in the classroom and within the lessons that you create for your students. This information is very valuable for me to implement in my classroom as an art educator.

7N) advances his or her knowledge of current developments in the field by participating in professional development activities
I assisted a local community in my home town "Peek-In Pottery" for a community Christmas event. Kids in the community stopped by during the event and hand painted ceramic snowflake ornaments. I assisted the kids in painting the snowflakes depending on their age. Some kids were very young (ages 3-6) and needed help putting paint on the brush and holding it, while older students (ages 7-13) just needed directions in completing their snowflakes.
Through this experience, I was able to gain experience with kids of many ages, the kid's parents/family members, and met the owners of a local art business within my community. I was able to work hands-on with kids, and further my knowledge of art in my community.